Release notes - BALKAN OrgChartJS


Org Chart JavaScript library for developers

Release notes

Version 8.12.13

#Implemented undo/redu functionallity

  • [new icons] OrgChart.icon.undo and OrgChart.icon.redo

  • [new method] undo - Undo data operations like adding/removing nodes. Set undoRedoStorageName option before calling this method.

  • [new method] redo - Redo data operations like adding/removing nodes. Set undoRedoStorageName option before calling this method.

  • [new method] clearRedo() - Clears all Redo stack steps.

  • [new method] clearUndo() - Clears all Undo stack steps.

  • [new method] undoStepsCount() - Returns the number of Undo stack steps.

  • [new method] redoStepsCount() - Returns the number of Redo stack steps

  • [new interface] undoRedoStorageName - Set the session storage name to use undo/redo functionallity.

  • [new option] undoRedoUI


  • [new event listener] onUpdated - Occurs when new nodes are added, removed, updated or imported, also when slink or clink is added or removed and after undo or redo operations. Use this event listener to synch your server side database with this.config.nodes, this.config.clinks, this.config.slinks etc.

#Breaking changes

  • If you are using one of the following event listeners in your code: adding, added, removed, please replace them with onUpdated

If you have something similar to

chart.on('adding', function(){

Replace it with:

