Release notes - BALKAN OrgChartJS


Org Chart JavaScript library for developers

Release notes

Version 8.09.00

Implemented new functionality, search by field name with abbreviation

  • [new option] searchFiledsAbbreviation, default value null, if it is null the abbreviations are dynamic
  • [new setting] OrgChart.SEARCH_HELP_SYMBOL, default value '?', can be empty as well
  • [changed setting] OrgChart.SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER from 'Search' to 'Search... type ? to get help.'
  • [new method] helpView in searchUI interface, override this method if you want to have customized help view

New functionality, add match and no-match tags on enter key press when the search input is focused and no items are selected

  • Use match and no-match tags to highlight matching and non matching results, can be highlighted with only with css or tags
